Huma.AI Glossary

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    Posts by:

    Lana Feng, Ph.D.

    CEO and Co-Founder, Huma.AI


    An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure that a computer follows to solve a problem or accomplish a specific task.


    Alignment in AI refers to the process of ensuring an AI's objectives match with human intentions and values.


    Autonomous refers to a system or a device that can operate independently, without human control.


    When talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI), the term bias describes a situation where an AI system makes decisions or predictions that unfairly favor one group over another.

    Black Box AI

    Black Box AI refers to an Artificial Intelligence system whose internal workings or decision-making processes are not easily understood or interpreted.


    Blinding refers to the practice of hiding or obscuring certain pieces of information to prevent bias or unfair influence.


    Boxing refers to setting strict limits on what an AI system can do in order to prevent unintended consequences.


    A chatbot is a computer program designed to interact with humans in their natural language.


    Confabulate means that an AI system generates a plausible but incorrect or fabricated response or scenario.


    Confinement refers to the intentional restriction of an AI system's capabilities or access to certain information and functions.