
    Blinding refers to the practice of hiding or obscuring certain pieces of information to prevent bias or unfair influence.In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), "blinding" typically involves obscuring some information during the training or testing process to ensure fairness and to prevent the AI system from making decisions based on potentially biased or irrelevant data. For instance, when training an AI system for job applicant screening, the names of the candidates could be hidden or 'blinded' to prevent any possible bias based on gender, ethnicity, or other characteristics that can be inferred from names. Similarly, during testing of a face recognition system, the identities of individuals could be blinded to ensure that the system's accuracy is evaluated impartially. The objective is to create AI systems that make fair and unbiased decisions based on relevant data.

    In conclusion, "blinding" in AI is a technique used to hide specific information during the training or testing process to prevent bias and ensure fair decision-making.