
    Boxing refers to setting strict limits on what an AI system can do in order to prevent unintended consequences.

    When we talk about "boxing" in AI, we're discussing the process of defining a controlled environment or set of rules within which an AI system operates. This technique is often used as a safety measure to manage the risks associated with AI. It can include limitations on the system's access to certain types of data, its ability to make changes to its own programming, or even its ability to connect with certain networks or systems. For instance, an AI system that manages a power grid might be "boxed" such that it cannot take actions that would cause large-scale blackouts. Boxing is part of the broader discussion about how to ensure AI systems behave safely and predictably, even as they become more capable and autonomous.

    To encapsulate, "boxing" in the field of AI refers to the strategic practice of establishing boundaries around an AI system's abilities and actions to maintain control and prevent undesired outcomes.