Convolutional Neural Network

    A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a type of artificial intelligence used mainly to process images and recognize patterns within them.In the domain of artificial intelligence, a Convolutional Neural Network is a sophisticated type of model designed to process data with a grid-like structure, like an image. Imagine you're looking at a photo - there are many tiny details that make up the whole picture, from shapes and colors to textures. A CNN works similarly, analyzing small chunks of data at a time, and slowly piecing together the bigger picture. The "convolutional" part refers to the mathematical operation that the network uses to process and filter the data, allowing the model to focus on specific details while also keeping an understanding of the overall structure. This technique makes CNNs particularly good at tasks like object detection and facial recognition in pictures and videos.

    In essence, a Convolutional Neural Network is a type of AI model that excels at understanding images by analyzing them piece by piece and recognizing the patterns within them.