AI Glossary

Deep Fake

Written by Lana Feng, Ph.D. | Jun 10, 2023 3:11:15 PM

A deep fake is a synthetic media, such as a video, audio, or image, that is generated by AI and is designed to appear real.Deep fakes are created using a type of artificial intelligence called deep learning. Here's how it works: the AI analyzes countless photos or videos of a person to learn their features and expressions. Then, it uses this understanding to create new, realistic media of that person, such as making them appear to say or do things they never actually did. These can look incredibly convincing, making it hard to tell what's real and what's not. While there are creative and entertaining uses for this technology, such as in movies or video games, deepfakes also have the potential to be used maliciously, like creating false news or impersonating individuals, which raises serious ethical and security concerns.

To summarize, a deep fake is a realistic, AI-generated media that replicates a real person's appearance and behavior, creating content that can be hard to distinguish from the real thing.