Narrow AI

    Narrow AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that are designed to perform a specific task, like voice recognition or driving a car, but do not possess general intelligence.To give you more detail, narrow AI, also known as weak AI, specializes in one area and can only operate within that area. It's the type of AI that we interact with most frequently in our everyday lives. For example, a chess-playing AI is a narrow AI that can beat human world champions, but it cannot do anything outside of playing chess. Similarly, the AI in a self-driving car can navigate streets and avoid obstacles, but it can't recognize human speech or write an essay. In other words, narrow AI is highly competent in its specific area, but it doesn't have the ability to understand, learn, or apply knowledge outside of that context.

    In summary, narrow AI denotes AI systems that are trained to perform specific tasks very well, but lack the ability to understand or learn outside of their specialized area.