AI Glossary

Reactive AI

Written by Lana Feng, Ph.D. | Jun 10, 2023 2:53:33 PM

Reactive AI refers to an approach where an artificial intelligence system reacts to immediate inputs without storing or utilizing past experiences or knowledge.

Reactive AI is a type of artificial intelligence system that makes decisions based solely on the current input it receives, without any memory or consideration of past experiences. Unlike other AI systems that can learn from data and make predictions based on patterns, reactive AI focuses on the present moment and reacts directly to the input it receives. It does not have the ability to store information or learn from previous interactions. Reactive AI systems are typically designed for specific tasks and lack the ability to generalize or adapt to new situations. They are well-suited for real-time applications that require quick and specific responses, such as autonomous driving or game-playing AI agents.

In summary, Reactive AI is an approach in which an AI system reacts solely to immediate inputs without considering past experiences or knowledge, making it suitable for real-time applications that require quick responses but limiting its ability to learn or adapt to new situations.